Quzhou Best Make Technology Limited Company
Name:Quzhou Best Make Technology Limited Company
Tel:+86 18057026768
Products selling leads detail
Product Name: PES
CAS No: 9002-84-0
Product Type: Plastic Materials
Product spec: Dispersion
Packing: 25kg/bag
Place Of Supplier:
Price: Inquire
Quantity: Inquire
Valid Period: 2025-08-07
Description: Polyethersulfone Dispersion BSP-450 1.Keywords:PES;BSP-450;Water-based paint 2.Product Introduction Polyethersulfone dispersion is based on high-performance PES and emulsified by special process. It has excellent hardness, corrosion resistance and flexibility. It is strongly recommended for water-based single-layer Teflon coating. Polyethersulfone dispersion, miscible with water in any proportion, has excellent adhesion, temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. It is widely used in Teflon coating, enamelled wire paint and other high temperature resistant coatings. 3.Technical Parameter Item Test Method Index Appearance Visual inspection Milky white paste liquid Non volatile matter, % 280℃×20min 20±1% Proportion, g/cm3 Specific gravity cup 1.03±0.05 Viscosity, 25℃、CPS Brookfield  DVII+Pro 60~100 Fineness Visual measurement of smoothness and film thickness of spray plate No particles less than 10 microns 4.Mark, Packing, Storage & Transportation 4.1 Mark The packaging barrel of this product shall be provided with firm and clear identification, indicating the company name, product name, batch number, brand (specification number), net content, etc. 4.2 Package This product is packed in barrels, with a net content of (50 ± 0.2) ¢ per barrel; Each barrel shall be provided with product certificate, including company name, product name, batch number, brand (specification number), net content, production date, etc. If special packaging is required, the supplier and the buyer shall negotiate separately. 4.3 Storage 1. Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. 2. Shelf life: the unopened shelf life is 12 months. 4.4 Transportation This product is transported as non dangerous goods. Avoid moisture and violent vibration during transportation.
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